The Triumph of Aunt Ninja
Lifestyle,  Motivation

Under the Brilliant Starry Night

There’s something undeniably magical about spending time under a starry night. The vast expanse of the night sky, dotted with countless twinkling stars, has always had a calming effect on me. Whenever I encounter difficulties in life or find myself feeling hurt and sad, I seek solace under the brilliant starry night.

Much like Benson Boone’s song “In the Stars,” I find comfort in the belief that my loved ones who have passed away are watching over me from above. Boone’s lyrics express deep sorrow and longing, yet also convey a sense of hope and connection through the stars. This song resonates with me profoundly, as it mirrors my own feelings of enduring love and the belief that those who are gone are still present in a spiritual way.

One of my most cherished memories involves my Dad, who played a significant role in shaping my love for the night sky. I remember when I was four years old, struggling to write my own name. My Chinese name was so complex, and trying to fit it into the squares of my writing book made me frustrated and angry. In a fit of rage, I threw my pencil away. My Dad, always patient and understanding, said, “It’s okay. Come, let’s go out of this room.” He gently led me outside the house. The night was so quiet and serene. As we stood under the starry sky, the frustration I felt began to fade away, replaced by a sense of wonder and calm. Dad told me, “Look at that… it’s the star of Polaris, because it is at the North.” Then he said, “In future, you may have many challenges and obstacles. People out there are not like us at home, where we know you and understand you very much. But just like Polaris, you can always find your way out and shine brightly in the night. You must learn to be strong and never give up in whatever hardships you face. As the star of Polaris, you are surrounded by shining stars. And no matter how big or small the light is, yet it still able to keep shining.” Then Dad look at me and said again: “Remember, nothing is difficult if you brave to set your mind to solve it intelligently. You are my beloved smart and brave daughter, and I give you my confident that you can overcome all difficulties!”

In these moments, I look up and feel a profound sense of connection. Among the thousands of stars, I believe there are some of my beloved ones above, and my Dad was there too watching over me and knowing my struggles. This belief gives me strength and a sense of peace. It’s as if their presence is a comforting reminder that I am never truly alone. Each star seems to tell a story, and as I gaze at them, I imagine the tales of love, hope, and resilience they carry. The starry night becomes a canvas where I can paint my thoughts and dreams, finding clarity amidst the chaos of life. The cool night breeze, the serene silence, and the majestic view all work together to heal my spirit.

The beauty of the night sky also reminds me of the vastness of the universe and how small my problems are in comparison. It puts things into perspective, making me realize that there’s a bigger picture and that my current struggles are just a tiny part of my journey. This realization helps me gather the courage to face my challenges with renewed vigor. Under the starry night, I find myself reflecting on the good times and the love I’ve received from those who are no longer with me. Their memories fill my heart with warmth and give me the strength to keep moving forward. I like to think that they are up there, shining brightly, guiding me through the dark times and celebrating my victories from afar.

Spending time under the brilliant starry night is my way of finding peace and rejuvenation. It’s my sacred space where I can reconnect with myself and with those who mean the most to me. No matter how tough life gets, I know I can always find comfort and inspiration under the shimmering canopy of stars. Just as Benson Boone beautifully conveys in “In the Stars,” the love and connection with those we’ve lost never truly fade. They live on in the stars, watching over us and giving us the strength to continue. So, the next time you find yourself overwhelmed by life’s challenges, take a moment to step outside and look up at the night sky. You might just find the solace and strength you need among the stars, just as I do.


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